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List of Scopus journals in Biology


40 Scopus Journals found for (Biology)
Journal Title Publisher E-ISSN
Methods in Molecular Biology Springer Nature 19406029
Molecular Biology and Evolution Oxford University Press 15371719
Nature Structural and Molecular Biology Springer Nature 15459985
Nature Structural and Molecular Biology Springer Nature 15459985
Advances in Anatomy Embryology and Cell Biology Springer Nature
Advances in Anatomy Embryology and Cell Biology Springer Nature
PLoS Biology Public Library of Science 15457885
BMC Biology Springer Nature
BMC Biology Springer Nature
BMC Biology Springer Nature
BMC Biology Springer Nature
BMC Developmental Biology Springer Nature
BMC Molecular Biology Springer Nature
BMC Structural Biology Springer Nature
Biology Bulletin Pleiades Publishing 16083059
Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine Springer Nature 15738221
Bulletin of Mathematical Biology Springer Nature 15229602
Cellular and Molecular Biology C M B Association 1165158X
Cellular and Molecular Biology C M B Association 1165158X
Cellular and Molecular Biology Letters Springer Nature 16891392
Cellular and Molecular Biology Letters Springer Nature 16891392
Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Elsevier 18791220
Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Elsevier 18791220
Molecular and Cellular Biology American Society for Microbiology 10985549
Molecular and Cellular Biology American Society for Microbiology 10985549
Molecular Biology Pleiades Publishing 16083245
Molecular Biology Reports Springer Nature 15734978
Molecular Membrane Biology Taylor & Francis 14645203
Molecular Membrane Biology Taylor & Francis 14645203
Plant Molecular Biology Reporter Springer Nature 1556469X
Cold Spring Harbor Symposia on Quantitative Biology Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press 19434456
Current Topics in Developmental Biology Elsevier 15578933
Current Topics in Developmental Biology Elsevier 15578933
Developmental Biology Elsevier 1095564X
Developmental Biology Elsevier 1095564X
Developmental Biology Elsevier 1095564X
In Vitro Cellular and Developmental Biology - Animal Springer Nature 1543706X
In Vitro Cellular and Developmental Biology - Animal Springer Nature 1543706X
Journal of Thermal Biology Elsevier 18790992
Progress in Biophysics and Molecular Biology Elsevier 18731732


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