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The Unwritten Milestones Towards a PhD

The Unwritten Milestones Towards a PhD

The Unwritten Milestones Towards a PhD

Ashwin Ram

MilestoneTargetWhen AccomplishedComments
Enroll in graduate school
Secure advising, register for classesEach quarter
Take core examFirst quarter
Select tentative research advisorSecond quarter (re-evaluate as necessary)
Do independent research projects (8503s)Each quarter except very first quarter
Meet with advisor to review course and research performanceEach quarter
Identify research areaFirst summer (re-evaluate as necessary)
Select research advisorBy 4 to 7 quarters
Meet with advisor to review course and research performanceEvery 2 to 4 weeks
Complete core requirements; file petitionBy six quarters
Complete breadth requirements; file petitionBy nine quarters
Take area examIn 7th to 9th quarters
Identify research topic and problemLate second year or early third year
Write research paper, tech report, or conference paperSecond or third year
Select thesis committee membersThird year
Meet individually with each committee memberTwice a year
Write PhD proposal and discuss with committeeThird year
Propose PhD; admission to candidacy; file formsBy end of third year
Write conference or journal papers and tech reportsEach year after proposal
Write outline or draft of PhD dissertation; discuss with committeeLate fourth year or early fifth year
Defend PhD research; meet individually with committee members and then again with advisorLate fourth year or early fifth year; approximately six months before graduating
Write PhD dissertation; get advisor to approve draft, then get committee members' comments and approval, then advisor's final approvalLate fourth year or early to mid fifth year
Defend PhD dissertation; file forms for graduation, copyright, etc.Late fourth year or fifth year


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